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Mode of Payment
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I accept the Terms and Conditions
For all the above Mode of Payment Notedown the Reference number after completing the Transaction
1. Fees Payment Through Credit Card:
a) Subject to limit of respective Credit Card
b) Total Fee paid should be less than your card limit.
c) Service Charge:1.75% on transaction amount + GST

2. Fees Payment Through Debit Card:  
a) Subject to limit of respective debit Card
b) Total Fee paid should be less than your card limit.
c) Service Charge:0.90% on transaction amount  above 2000+ GST
d)  Service Charge:Nil on transaction amount  upto 2000+ GST
3.Fees Payment Through Net Banking of  your Bank:
 a) Subject to per day transaction limit of your bank.
 b) Total fee paid should be less than Day Transaction Limit
 c) Service Charge : Rs.30/- per transaction +GST.

4. Fee Payment through Bank Challan
 a) Any amount can be paid through branch counter using system generated challan
 b) Service charge : Rs.75/- per transaction inclusive of GST.
Version 1.0
Fees Particulars (in Rs):
Exam/Reval/Convo Fee
Bus Fee
Hostel Fee
Hostel Deposit
Fine/Mis Fee/Application Fee
Certificate Deposit
Total Fees:
Bank Charges :
Total Fee(Including Charges)